What Kind of Information, Images, and Videos Should Your Amazon Listing Include?

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In the digital mercantile landscape, it can be easy to lose perfectly good products in the vast sea of Amazon due to bad listing optimization. With so many sellers offering so many products, it’s key to make your goods stand out by following a basic set of instructions that can potentially launch your product straight to the top of the listing pages.

  1. Product Title

Any successful product requires a good title. The guidelines for title optimization are mostly universal.

  • Maintain a length under 200 characters;
  • Capitalize the first letter of each word (don’t use all caps);
  • Use “and” instead of ampersands (&);
  • Write numbers as numerals;
  • Don’t include price, quantity, or subjective comparisons like “best”;
  • Avoid promotional messages such as discount, bargain, and sale;
  • Include keywords to increase your product’s visibility;
  • Refrain from using symbols.

  1. Key Product Benefits

In this part, you should focus on how the product benefits the customers and answer the typical questions they might ask.

  • Use the allotted 1000 characters wisely;
  • Form 5 bullet points of 200 characters each for the best ranking;
  • Summarize the main features into easily digestible bite-sized pieces of information;
  • Use keywords without excessive stuffing;
  • Write concisely and separate different points in a bullet with a semicolon;
  • Write in fragments rather than in full sentences with punctuation;
  • Mention the product’s benefits instead of simply listing features;
  • Keep your content focused on your product, not the convenience of your service, and avoid stating the obvious details Amazon includes anyway.

  1. Product Description

The description section should reflect what makes your product stand out.

  • Try to use as much of the 2000 allotted characters as possible;
  • Expand on the bullets and introduce new information;
  • Present the main features, benefits and technical specifications in short sentences for easy readability;
  • Use HTML formatting to break up paragraphs and embolden key pieces of information
  • Include keywords that you haven’t used yet;
  • Refrain from using seller information, or promotional language such as sale or free shipping.

  1. Listing Images

In the virtual world, customers usually assess tons of information from product photographs. In light of that, these images need to be realistic and thorough enough to be the next best thing to inspecting an item in person. Relevant, high-quality photos can make a world of difference in helping consumers make their ultimate purchasing decision feeling both inspired and informed.

According to Amazon’s rules, every seller can upload one main product image and up to eight supporting product images on their listings.

Your main product image should be extremely visible, occupying at least 85% of the frame. All listing images should be at least 1000px (preferably 2560px) in width so that customers can zoom in on the details of the product image.

Also, the main image should always be on completely white background and should not contain anything else but the product itself. Amazon has a strict policy when it comes to these images and failing to adhere to them may cause temporary or permanent issues on the platform such as account suspension.

Regarding the supplemental images, use them to showcase your product from different angles and in a different context to add more interest and engage the viewer.

Good lifestyle photos are the best tool for painting tangible pictures for your customers, thus helping them imagine themselves putting the product to use. You can freely use various backgrounds for these images as long as they fit the context and make sense for the product itself.

According to Amazon’s latest updates, the text used on these images should also contain keywords. This is important to implement in order to enhance the visibility of your products.

Creating professional images that tick all the boxes required by Amazon may seem like a lot, which is why it’s wise to turn to an experienced team such as Fliprise and ensure that you are keeping up with the latest trends and rules ahead of your competition.

5. Enhanced Brand Content (EBC)

“It’s way more important to build an engaged audience than a huge audience.” – Nikhil Sharma

This is the Amazon A+ Content section, also known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). Use this space to express the value of your product creatively and inform your buyers about the advantages of your product in more depth, adding details you didn’t include before.

  • EBC content requires sharp visuals, so make sure you add quality and attractive banner images to your content;
  • Don’t underestimate the power of attractive, catchy, and informative graphics – a lot of times, they talk louder than paragraphs of text;
  • When creating your textual content, make sure it accompanies the images properly – their narrative needs to fit together synergistically as to fortify the impression;
  • Add a slideshow to make things more interactive and less one-sided (if the entirety of your listing is you speaking to the customers while they only read, they might get disengaged).

  1. Product Video

“Video marketing solidifies your online presence whilst building deep and meaningful relationships with your customers. It adds a personal touch to your brand whilst increasing your conversions!” – Lilach Bullock

Including a product video on your listing can be a game-changing addition and provide your product with a competitive edge in the crowded marketplace.

There’s no doubt that videos are the best way to communicate a large amount of information quickly. Videos don’t only inform customers about product details; they can also strike an emotional chord.

They are an opportunity to draw undivided attention to your products’ attributes without distractions. A product video should ideally manage to communicate values, uses, brand information, and unique selling proposition.

It’s best to invest in professional-grade video production if you wish to present your brand and products in the best possible light. Plus, investing in professional video production pays for itself with increased sales over time.

Note: 96% of consumers reveal that videos help them make a better buying decision when purchasing online. When it comes to fortifying your brand’s message and product presentation with quality video material, Fliprise can help you determine the right solutions for you. Backed by years of experience, Fliprise can take your Amazon listing up a notch professionally and creatively.


First off, you need to consider how you’ll present your brand and product and the bits of product information you’ll include. Many things initially depend on whether your product is high-end or for the masses.

Next, you need to determine the main benefits you’ll include and in what ways they’ll solve your customer’s problems. The product presentation has to be a well-planned unity between creativity and compactness. Make sure you present your product in a way that helps customers understand both its benefits and use.

Finally, if you have product variations, you’ll have to plan ahead whether they’ll require separate videos or perhaps they can be rolled up in one.

To sum it all up, it’s also important to stay alert and keep track of all the upcoming rules that reshape this vast marketplace. Staying true to the core principles while being open to novelties and ready to adapt is the key balancing act for remaining relevant on Amazon.

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